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 Google Translate edisi Indonesia Sudah Tersedia

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Google Translate edisi Indonesia Sudah Tersedia Empty
PostSubyek: Google Translate edisi Indonesia Sudah Tersedia   Google Translate edisi Indonesia Sudah Tersedia EmptySun Oct 04 2009, 05:06

Wah tadi barusan kaget waktu searching di google, eh tiba tiba disodori link, terjemahkan tulisan ini. Ternyata eh ternyata google sudah support bahasa Indonesia dalam terjemahannya. Jadi, kita bisa translate bolak balik artikel inggris ke indonesia ataupun indonesia ke inggris. Yah walau kalau diliat dari hasilnya sih gak begitu bagus, tetapi cukup mumpuni lah menurutku dibanding translate tools yang lain. Dan tentunya ini gratis alias Free. Mau coba? Silahkan kunjung Google Translate Indonesia Edition.

Kucoba translate salah satu artikelku yang membahas Sains itu Bukan Ilmu Pasti. Dan inilah Hasilnya:

Actually there are three ideas that appear in my mind this morning. The first idea that appears associated with the History and Philosophy, the second related to the Comparison of two methods Science or Nature of Science: The Science of Finding Trial and Error in Discover the Science Engineering, Medium, which is a third accusation of the opinion Most of Indonesia especially among the Educators said that the Natural Sciences Sciences doubt. Yes, the last one that I finally decided to write my elaboration, and this time, are two of the initial overhaul will be writing my next.

Here I want to distinguish the two definitions of science “that may” first (according to my own understanding, of course) to clarify the discussion of my next. First or Sci IPA understood as an identity inherent in the reality around us. Science is the means or the science here is placed on the framework itself off from human connection with the Knowledge. Science in perspective like this can be considered as a certainty. That is science that’s because of the doubt it. “Morocco. Not only in the framework of this Science is like a certainty. But here is not a Science Science, Science is the entity, the Natural Sciences, not the works of human thought and given the name of Science.

Both the Science paper as the fruit of human thinking from the reality memperlajari want (Nature and Seisinya). Here, science is seen as a result of the paper, the results of contemplation, the results of the investigation. Science as science. This is the second definition, such as that in the view of the general public at this time, as far as my knowledge, yes, the people of Indonesia in general. Teachers or teachers of junior high, high school science menisbahkan also in the definition such as this.

With the second definition of science is so, I can say is that if we mistakenly said that Science is a doubt Sciences. Let’s browse further.

I will not refuse if you say that science is science that memperlajari something of a doubt or Real or actual, but said that the Something That knowledge is a mistake that can not be tolerated. Theories physics as a science or understanding of the efforts are not a Certainty. Categories in the world of biology is not a Certainty. All theory, the Law in physics or biology or the other is open. The sense here is open, theorists, laws, Postulat-postulat, Assumptions, in the science world can be changed and revised alias repaired. Physics is not doubt, biological KNOWLEDGE It is not. Everything changed in line with the development of human research.

Actually very easy to demolish the dogma that the Science Knowledge in the past by referring epistimologi Science itself. Scientific method is evidence that science is not a Certainty. He was charged and experiments to conduct verification of the hypothesis or theory of law or the dimunculkannya. A verification can justify or can even topple (verifikas, falsifikasi and so forth). Something that can be right and wrong is not a certainty. It is not science. Science is the same as with the Social Sciences or the other, which is open to the revision or changes.

It is natural. That is the reality, but that’s not Science. Thus, there is confusion when we mention the Science Knowledge past (can also be said that the Nature of Science Knowledge past). The first refers to the NATURAL SCIENCE It will be past. CHECK = NATURAL. This is not a fact. However, due to mathematical proposition can also refer to Knowledge in itself is the past, there is a duality of understanding here. While I know that during this past Knowledge is often dibenturkan with a SOCIAL SCIENCE by some people also said as KNOWLEDGE NOT CHECK.

Knowledge refers to the past versus KNOWLEDGE NOT CHECK, CHECK KNOWLEDGE seems defined, referring to the mistaken understanding that as I jabarkan above. SOCIAL SCIENCE discuss the human (the interaction), which is also part of reality. SOCIAL SCIENCE Thus it can not be categorized as KNOWLEDGE NOT CHECK (with the first definition). SOCIAL SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE is also past or discuss the science of the human entity, and certainly real.

It seems, now in a blunder like this. Science is quite possibly the NATURAL SCIENCE Science and avoid designation as a Knowledge past.

Just Understanding

Haqiqie Suluh

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