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Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) 1.41 S60v3 S60v5 EmptySat Oct 09 2010, 03:29 by fr4nkenste1n

Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) 1.41 S60v3 S60v5 EmptySun Sep 19 2010, 22:48 by piston-1989

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 Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) 1.41 S60v3 S60v5

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Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) 1.41 S60v3 S60v5 Empty
PostSubyek: Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) 1.41 S60v3 S60v5   Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) 1.41 S60v3 S60v5 EmptyWed Jul 22 2009, 06:37

.[/img]Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) 1.41 S60v3 S60v5 Medieval-Bluetooth-File-Transfer-OBEX-FTP-2Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) 1.41 S60v3 S60v5 Medieval-Bluetooth-File-Transfer-OBEX-FTP-4

mafia chynk

Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) description

Use your cell phone to manage files of any OBEX ready device that support File Transfer Profile (FTP) with a Bluetooth connection.

Use your cell phone to manage files of any OBEX ready device that support File Transfer Profile (FTP), almost on all models today, with a Bluetooth connection. Download, upload, explore, edit, create, delete and rename files and folders on your phone, PDA, palm, notebook, PC, photo viewer, music player and so on; using an easy, fast and intuitive user-interface (GUI). Transfer or delete many files and entire folders at once, with a single keypress, using the multiple selection feature. Explore hidden files, or make your personal data private and/or read-only, using the attributes editor (local filesystem only). Save your favorite devices in the bookmark list, to speed-up the connection procedure.

Fast help:
--{ KEYS }--
* Press arrow left or key [4] and arrow right or key [6] to switch between local and Bluetooth files.
* Press left menu or key [7] to open/close main menu.
* Press right menu or key [9] to execute on-screen fast command.
* Press key [#] or key[*] to select/unselect current item.
* Press key [0] to enter into/exit from clean mode: a fullscreen view without top and bottom bars.

--{ MENU }--
When a menu item contains a key name, surrounded by square brackets, you can press that shortcut key to execute associated command, when main menu is closed.
* Press arrow up or key [2] and arrow down or key [8] to move between commands.
* Press FIRE or key [5] to execute currently selected command.
* Press left menu, key [7] or key [BACK] to close main menu.

--{ DIALOGS }--
Some dialogs can have additional keys, in this case follow the on-screen informations.
* Press arrow left or key [4] and arrow right or key [6] to move between buttons.
* Press FIRE or key [5] to press currently selected button.

Here are some key features of "Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP)":

· Works on almost all phone models with MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 support, using a single JAR file;
· Easy to use, fast and straightforward user-interface (GUI), powered by Medieval GUI system;
· Shortcut keys improves user usability and speed-up your GUI experience;
· Unique "clean mode" option (press [0] key), to remove top and bottom bars and enlarge working area;
· Cool and intuitive menu system (press [7] or [MENU] key) to execute extended functionality;
· Multiple files and folders selection (press [#] or[*] key), to transfer/delete many items at once;
· Select all, Select none and invert selection options available;
· Navigate on both local and remote filesystem using a single keypress (press [5] or [FIRE] key);
· Download/upload items from/to any device with OBEX FTP support (almost on all phone models);
· Edit file or folder attributes to enable or disable READ, WRITE and HIDDEN status flags;
· Get files and folders informations on both local and remote devices;
· Create new folders on both local and remote filesystem;
· Rename items or get volume informations (local filesystem only);
· You can add or remove a memory storage, without close the program;
· Search for any nearby Bluetooth device and read its informations;
· Bookmark list allows you to save your favorite device without searching it again;
· Very long file and folder names are scrolled on the screen using marquee technique;
· Integrated help system that shows the "A-B-C" of this product;
· Built-in error system with detailed explanation message;
· Easy "license code" release using PayPal.


· MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1

What's New in This Release:

· Removed "send with Infrared" feature: it didn't work;
· Fixed bug with Sony W350 phone;
· Fixed minor bugs.
Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) 1.41 S60v3 S60v5 Medieval-Bluetooth-File-Transfer-OBEX-FTP-0[img]Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP) description Use your cell phone to manage files of any OBEX ready device that support File Transfer Profile (FTP) with a Bluetooth connection. Use your cell phone to manage files of any OBEX ready device that support File Transfer Profile (FTP), almost on all models today, with a Bluetooth connection. Download, upload, explore, edit, create, delete and rename files and folders on your phone, PDA, palm, notebook, PC, photo viewer, music player and so on; using an easy, fast and intuitive user-interface (GUI). Transfer or delete many files and entire folders at once, with a single keypress, using the multiple selection feature. Explore hidden files, or make your personal data private and/or read-only, using the attributes editor (local filesystem only). Save your favorite devices in the bookmark list, to speed-up the connection procedure. Fast help: --{ KEYS }-- * Press arrow left or key [4] and arrow right or key [6] to switch between local and Bluetooth files. * Press left menu or key [7] to open/close main menu. * Press right menu or key [9] to execute on-screen fast command. * Press key [#] or key[*] to select/unselect current item. * Press key [0] to enter into/exit from clean mode: a fullscreen view without top and bottom bars. --{ MENU }-- When a menu item contains a key name, surrounded by square brackets, you can press that shortcut key to execute associated command, when main menu is closed. * Press arrow up or key [2] and arrow down or key [8] to move between commands. * Press FIRE or key [5] to execute currently selected command. * Press left menu, key [7] or key [BACK] to close main menu. --{ DIALOGS }-- Some dialogs can have additional keys, in this case follow the on-screen informations. * Press arrow left or key [4] and arrow right or key [6] to move between buttons. * Press FIRE or key [5] to press currently selected button. Here are some key features of "Medieval Bluetooth File Transfer (OBEX FTP)": · Works on almost all phone models with MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 support, using a single JAR file; · Easy to use, fast and straightforward user-interface (GUI), powered by Medieval GUI system; · Shortcut keys improves user usability and speed-up your GUI experience; · Unique "clean mode" option (press [0] key), to remove top and bottom bars and enlarge working area; · Cool and intuitive menu system (press [7] or [MENU] key) to execute extended functionality; · Multiple files and folders selection (press [#] or[*] key), to transfer/delete many items at once; · Select all, Select none and invert selection options available; · Navigate on both local and remote filesystem using a single keypress (press [5] or [FIRE] key); · Download/upload items from/to any device with OBEX FTP support (almost on all phone models); · Edit file or folder attributes to enable or disable READ, WRITE and HIDDEN status flags; · Get files and folders informations on both local and remote devices; · Create new folders on both local and remote filesystem; · Rename items or get volume informations (local filesystem only); · You can add or remove a memory storage, without close the program; · Search for any nearby Bluetooth device and read its informations; · Bookmark list allows you to save your favorite device without searching it again; · Very long file and folder names are scrolled on the screen using marquee technique; · Integrated help system that shows the "A-B-C" of this product; · Built-in error system with detailed explanation message; · Easy "license code" release using PayPal. Requirements: · MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1 What's New in This Release: · Removed "send with Infrared" feature: it didn't work; · Fixed bug with Sony W350 phone; · Fixed minor bugs

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